The first graphic depiction of Minnesota High School Helmets

Welcome to the Minnesota High School Helmet Project. This site is a graphic representation of Minnesota varsity high school football helmets. The inspiration of this site came from Charles Arey who created the original Helmet Project. I designed all the helmets you see you on this site. With all the resources available to me I have tried to keep everything current and up to date as possible. A brief overview of how this page works is below. I suggest this for any new visitor.

This site has been a work in progress for the last few years. To view the complete history of this page please read the section to the left.

If you would like to contribute or have information that would add to the site, please let me know! Please read the How You Can Help page to the left. I want to keep this site as accurate as I can. My email address is at the bottom of this page if you have any questions, comments or if you want talk about helmets.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy the site!




**All districts have updated through 9/20/24. The information used was taken from
Star Tribune Football Hub website. Thank You to everyone who have contributed to this site.**

How It Works...
To view a school or a conference, click on the link of the school's conference on left. By clicking on a conference it will load a page with the all the schools belonging to that conference. If you are looking for a particular school and are unaware of conference it belongs too, look at the conference name. Often times the name of a conference is named after its geographic location. Included with the helmet design is the school's information. Such as the name, city and class (see diagram below). If you like to learn more about what this means see F.A.Q. page at the left.



All logos depicted at this site should be regarded as being the property of the respective school. You should not try to make
money by printing these helmet images onto something and then selling it. No guarantee can be made that helmet images shown here are accurate depictions of the "real" helmets.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the contents of this site! Your input is appreciated greatly!!!




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